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What Are The Nutrition Of Pumpkin Seeds?
Nov 03, 2021

Pumpkin seeds are rich in nutrition and contain mineral elements such as fat, amino acids, dietary fiber, vitamin E, group B vitamins, calcium, zinc and selenium.

1. Fatty acids and amino acids in pumpkin seeds are important substances for human metabolism, which can improve the body's immunity and have the effect of nourishing blood and qi; fatty acids and dietary fiber can also promote gastrointestinal function, laxative and detoxification.

2. 100 grams of pumpkin seeds contain 27 mg of vitamin E and 27 micrograms of selenium. These nutrients have the functions of anti-oxidation, improving skin texture, anti-oxidation and scavenging free radicals, and are especially suitable for women's consumption.

3. Calcium and zinc in pumpkin seeds can promote fetal brain and bone development, and can also increase the appetite of infants and young children. Children eating raw pumpkin seeds can get rid of roundworms in their bodies; pregnant women can also alleviate iron deficiency anemia and relieve constipation during pregnancy.